Nadir Kadji, Executive Committee Member – Metro CC France

“Our experience was truly enriching both on a personal, collective and managerial level. Thanks to this unique apporach and the ongoing support, we have successfully created our « Team One ».
We learnt to speak a common language in order to perform at our best and to be a strong team with an effective impact.

The Sparks method allowed us to get to know each other in depth which has increased our performance as a collective. Knowing each other’s profiles and motivations has also allowed us to move towards a more stimulating and fulfilling daily work environment. In this team process we experienced real moments of complicity and personal connection, which then helped us to understand and relate to one another in situations of conflict. This allowed us to realign ourselves much more quickly for tangible results.

We can now share our personal vulnerabilities and turn them into a team strength. As a result, we act with more transparency, pay more attention to each other’s well-being and operate with much more authentic leadership. There was genuinely a “before” and “after” the Sparks method.

As a board of directors, we had all already carried out various personality tests and psychometric assessments. Here, we went beyond and deeper, much faster. In the process of listening to and understanding our physical intelligence, some of us even found answers to questions about recurring behaviours that we had observed but not dealt with effectively. It was a real game changer for most of us.”

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Virgile Klauder

Former professional boxer and coach in contact sports, twice French champion in Thai boxing –

Alex Portal

French handisport swimmer. French team, Summer Paralympic Games 2020

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Case studies

Nadir Kadji, Executive Committee Member – Metro CC France

“Our experience was truly enriching both on a personal, collective and managerial level. Thanks to this unique apporach and the ongoing support, we have successfully created our « Team One ».

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