Benoit Telleria

Former European Tour player and coach for the French Golf team

“At first I was just curious and wanted to understand what the Sparks method was all about. The benefits for me are learning to understand how people move, what the tendencies are and how to avoid putting people in boxes.

As a player, I also understood that my way of moving and adapting to a specific situation had to come naturally. Emotional triggers meant that my vision tended to change, therefore creating a lack of precision. As a coach, my mission is to get my team moving in the right direction, wherever they feel most comfortable.

The method has given me insight as to how each individual functions, both mentally and physically.

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Virgile Klauder

Former professional boxer and coach in contact sports, twice French champion in Thai boxing –

Alex Portal

French handisport swimmer. French team, Summer Paralympic Games 2020

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Benoit Telleria

Former European Tour player and coach for the French Golf team

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Alex Portal

French handisport swimmer. French team, Summer Paralympic Games 2020

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Virgile Klauder

Former professional boxer and coach in contact sports, twice French champion in Thai boxing –

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Nadir Kadji, Executive Committee Member – Metro CC France

“Our experience was truly enriching both on a personal, collective and managerial level. Thanks to this unique apporach and the ongoing support, we have successfully created our « Team One ».

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