how the body moves

Identify your strengths and unlock your full potential

History & Technique

It all began with sports.

C’est dans l’univers du sport que nous avons découvert les préférences motrices. Pour individualiser l’accès à la performance individuelle, une approche empirique des profils moteurs a été formalisée donnant lieu à des profilages des besoins moteur et cognitifs.

This approach, which has been limited to a handful of trainers and personal development experts for over 30 years and has evolved to meet the needs of today’s society and extend its reach to a wider audience.

The Sparks method has been perfected over the last 30 years in more than 65 sporting disciplines with multiple world podiums and dozens of Olympic medals.

Experts in the fields of business, paramedical, wellness and sports combined efforts to create the Sparks method.

The Sparks approach is based upon developing the method, updating it with new findings in biomechanics and neuroscience.

The combination of experience and advanced pedagogy gives individuals the opportunity to discover an innovative tool at the service of leadership, athletic performance and self development.

Sparks technology

Identification and analysis of individual motor skill preferences

Trigger Strategy

Engage and focus all of your resources:


Coordination Strategy

Learn how to optimise your physical performance



Maximise potential to activate neuromotor skills:


Recovery strategy

Develop the ability to relax and recover:


Identify individual motor and cognitive decision making patterns.

Explore natural preferences and identify settings for talent development.

Develop strategies for individual and collective expression.

Developing self-awareness and interpersonal skills to improve communication.

Understanding team management through individual needs.


“The body never lies”

Each individual is a unique and complex structure where mastering motor intelligence promotes greater adaptability and more effective decision making.

The neuromotor profile defines the needs of each individual to interact more efficiently, ecologically and economically in their personal and professional environment.

We use simple, non-intrusive, interactive physical tests that allow your body to reveal its natural preferences.

Neuromotor behaviour profiles

Identifying natural talent

Movement is the first decision.

Motor intelligence is the first step in our evolution.

Movement is the expression of emotions.


Our brain has a complex organisational system that manages our motor and cognitive decisions.

I think because I move.


Neuromotor profiles generate the power of excellence.


Analysing natural preferences


Identify your neuromotor behaviour profile


Discover what makes you unique


Understand your motivational drives and adapt effortlessly


Overcome cognitive resistance to improve performance


Develop your recovery skills to maintain long-lasting energy


Professional athletes, top executives, health workers and coaching specialists

Benoit Telleria
Benoit TelleriaFormer European Tour player and coach for the French Golf team
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“At first I was just curious and wanted to understand what the Sparks method was all about. The benefits for me are learning to understand how people move, what the tendencies are and how to avoid putting people in boxes. As a player, I also understood that my way of moving and adapting to a specific situation had to come naturally Emotional triggers meant that my vision tended to change, therefore creating a lack of precision. As a coach, my mission is to get my team moving in the right direction, wherever they feel most comfortable. The method has given me insight as to how each individual functions, both mentally and physically.
Alex Portal
Alex PortalFrench handisport swimmer. Representing France at the 2020 Summer Paralympic Games

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"It's been two years since we began using the method and it's amazing what it teaches us about ourselves. When I'm under stress, my spine strains. This affected my performance and I was much less efficient in the water. If my body is physically blocked due to stress, it has a negative impact on my mind. I feel that since the process started, I’ve learned to relax and loosen up. This is important to me as my vision is impaired which can create stress and block both my nervous system and my back. The Sparks method has taught me to understand my body and tune in to my physical efforts."
Virgile Klauder
Virgile Klauder
Former professional boxer and coach in contact sports, twice French champion in Thai boxing - Smartboxing.com
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"Discovering and learning about mental preparation was a real eye-opener. It’s an essential part of high-level sports and has become the core of my training. I understood how the body and the mind are linked. Being able to manage my emotions and knowing which motor points to rely on with the use of the HRV has allowed me to redesign my boxing training. I can know analyse my opponents with an objective outlook, bring out my natural preferences, highlight my strengths and weaknesses and finally free my potential. My body knew it but my head didn’t yet ! This method was also successful due to the trust built between us.
CEOInternational retail group

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"Our experience was truly enriching both on a personal, collective and managerial level. Thanks to this unique apporach and the ongoing support, we have successfully created our « Team One ». We learnt to speak a common language in order to perform at our best and to be a strong team with an effective impact. The Sparks method allowed us to get to know each other in depth which has increased our performance as a collective. Knowing each other's profiles and motivations has also allowed us to move towards a more stimulating and fulfilling daily work environment.

Instant analysis of body movement strategies.

Detailed report on individual strategies for activation, coordination and excellence.



Creating a personal plan to achieve success.